
拼搏体育大西洋收到6美元,929,988 in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds through the American Rescue Plan to cover costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus.


至少3美元,480,517 of the total allocation will be awarded as emergency financial aid grants to students to cover costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus. 该大学优先考虑有高需求的学生获得这些资金. 截至2021年12月31日,已批准总额为3,480,517美元.

大学保证使用不少于3美元,480,517 in funds received in the HEERF III Student Funding allocation 为学生提供紧急经济援助助学金. 该大学优先考虑有高需求的学生获得这些资金.

拼搏体育总共收到了6美元,929,988 .高等教育紧急救济基金通过ARP. 这个总数包括学生和机构的部分.


所有学生,无论是否符合第四章的资格,都被认为有资格获得资助. 这所大学利用了一份申请, 这需要一份关于COVID-19对他们经济影响的书面声明. 优先考虑符合佩尔资格的学生, 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局资格, 以及那些之前经历过专业判断程序的人.


该大学制作了一份申请表,并将其链接发布在网站上 高等教育基金资助常见问题页面. 链接到这里, 以及下面的信息, 在申请期间张贴在Canvas上的内容.

作为COVID-19应对措施的一部分, you may be eligible to receive emergency relief aid through the American Rescue Plan if you have faced significant unexpected expenses due to COVID-19. PBA cares about our students and is committed to ensuring that any student showing exceptional financial need receives an award under the federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) grants. 佩尔和符合联邦勤工俭学条件的学生将优先考虑, 但在PBA,我们认识到许多学生和家庭都受到了疫情的影响. 

在2021年10月15日申请的463名学生中,所有人都获得了部分ARP资金. 因为大学优先考虑贫困学生, 需求被确定,然后在授予过程中建立等级, 拨款金额由EFC决定.

  • 33名符合条件的学生有资格提交FAFSA,但没有收到2美元,6万美元,000)
  • 23名EFC超过30,000的合格学生获得了2,500美元(57,500美元)的资助。
  • 16名EFC在20,000-29,999之间的合格学生获得了3,000美元的资助(48,000美元)。
  • 43名EFC在10,000-19,999之间的合资格学生获得了3,500美元(150,500美元)的资助
  • 43名EFC为6分的合资格学生,346-9,999名或没有资格提交FAFSA的人收到了4美元,2万美元,000)
  • 6名EFC在6000 - 6345之间的合格学生获得了4500美元(27000美元)的资助。
  • 15名EFC在5000 - 5999之间的合格学生获得了5000美元的资助(75000美元)。
  • 14名EFC在4,000-4,999之间的合格学生获得了5,500美元(77,000美元)的资助。
  • 18名EFC在3,000-3,999之间的合格学生获得了6,000美元(108,000美元)的资助。
  • 16名EFC在2000 - 2999之间的合格学生获得了6500美元(104000美元)的资助。
  • 22名EFC在1,000-1,999之间的合资格学生获得7,000美元(154,000美元)的资助
  • 26名EFC分数为1-999的合资格学生获得7,500元(合195,000元)资助。
  • 188名EFC为0的合资格学生获得了8,000美元(1,504,000美元)的资助

在11月, 另一轮申请已开始,以确保其他有需要的学生获得资助, 剩下的资金都用了. 同样,贫困学生被优先考虑,资助金额由EFC决定.

  • 51名符合条件的学生,有资格提交FAFSA,但没有获得750美元的助学金(38,250美元)。
  • 26名没有资格申请FAFSA的学生获得了1600美元的助学金(41600美元)。
  • 50名EFC在20000以上的学生获得了1000美元的资助(50,000美元)
  • 166名EFC为1-19,999的合格学生获得了1,600美元的资助(265,600美元)。
  • 106名EFC为0的合格学生获得了2,200美元的资助(233,200美元)。


下面这封邮件是发给申请ARP助学金的学生的, informing them of the grant amount based on need level and how they were to receive it based on their preferred refund method established in their respective student accounts portal. Students were given the option of applying the grant to their student account but only with authorization from the student via email.

我们有好消息要告诉你!  您将收到美国救援计划(ARP)拨款,金额为[$x,xxx]。. 这笔钱将于10月29日分发.

Federal regulations now allow students to apply these funds directly to their student account balance.

If you would like to take advantage of this option and have these funds applied to any current balance owed to the University or Fall 2021-22 charges, 请按以下连结 10月15日.


Otherwise the funds will be distributed by check or direct deposit according to the preferred refund method that you filed with the University.

有关此奖助金的常见问题,包括谁有资格,可在此找到答案 在这里. 如果您有问题,请联系学生账户.

我们很感激你能参加这个特别的学年. 去旗鱼!

是的,一个 常见问题页面 是在我们网站的COVID信息部分创建的吗.

如果您有任何问题,请发邮件给我们 finaid@fushunbaojie.com.


拼搏体育大西洋收到2美元,738,559 in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act to cover costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus.


拼搏体育获得1美元,181,523 in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act to cover costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus for eligible students.

大学保证使用不少于1美元,181,在CFDA 84收到的资金523.425 e分配, CRRSAA第314(a)(1)条规定, 为学生提供紧急经济援助助学金. 该大学优先考虑高需求的学生获得这些资金.

拼搏体育总共收到了3美元,920,083 .通过CRRSAA的高等教育紧急救济基金. 这个总数包括学生和机构的部分.



在2354名符合第四章条件的学生中,所有学生都获得了CRRSAA的部分资助. 由于大学优先考虑高需求学生,因此在授予过程中建立了等级. The highest need students were those who were Pell eligible; the second tier were those who were 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局资格; the remainder was distributed among all other Title IV eligible students.

  • 756名符合佩尔资格的学生获得了800美元的助学金(总计604,800美元)
  • 1,085名合资格学生获资助400元(共434,000元)
  • 其余513名符合第四章条件的学生获得了125美元的助学金(总计64125美元)。

还剩下78美元,598 in remaining funds that were allocated to students with need above what they were granted in the general distribution. 然后,有额外需要的学生被要求提交一份爱心基金申请. 在66名申请人中,所有申请人均获额外拨款323元至2,000元不等.

截至7月10日, 2021, the spending above consitutes the institution’s final quarterly posting and covers all remaining HEERF fund expenditures for the CRRSAA学生资助 portion.

以下邮件于3月23日发送给注册了2020-2021春季学期的PBA学生, 2021, informing students of the grant amount based on need level and how they were to receive it based on their preferred refund method established in their respective student accounts portal. Students were given the option of applying the grant to their student account but only with authorization from the student via email.

我们有好消息要告诉你!  您将获得《拼搏体育官网》的资金, CRRSAA, 金额为___美元. 这笔钱将在未来三周内分发出去.

Federal regulations now allow students to apply these funds directly to their student account balance. If you would like to take advantage of this option and have these funds applied to any current balance owed to the University or as prepayment to Summer or Fall 2021-22 charges, 请 点击这里 到3月29日. Otherwise the funds will be distributed by check or direct deposit according to the preferred refund method that you filed with the University.

我们认识到,不同的家庭受到了不同方式的影响. If you feel that you have additional financial burdens that are not met by this distribution you may apply for the emergency aid fund 在这里 到3月29日.

有关此奖助金的常见问题,包括谁有资格,可在此找到答案 在这里. 如果您有任何问题,请联系学生账户 student_accounts@fushunbaojie.com.



是的,一个 常见问题页面 是在我们网站的COVID信息部分创建的吗.

如果你有问题,请发邮件至 finaid@fushunbaojie.com.


拼搏体育大西洋收到1美元,181,703 .通过《拼搏体育》设立高等教育紧急救济基金 to cover costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus. The University has used these funds to support our Hyflex course options as well as healthcare costs to keep our campus safe. 请下载《拼搏体育》,以了解更多详情:



拼搏体育获得1美元,181,703 .通过《拼搏体育》设立高等教育紧急救济基金 to cover costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus for eligible students.

The University signed and returned to the Department of Education (DOE) the Certification Agreement in order to provide these emergency financial aid grants to students. The University states its assurance that it has used no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students.

拼搏体育总共收到了1美元,181,703 .通过《拼搏体育》设立高等教育紧急救济基金.




The method used to determine which students received emergency financial aid grants included the number of students enrolled during the Spring semester who were Title IV eligible, 没有注册在线课程, 并没有在3月13日之前退出, 2020. 所有在校生都被认为受到了大流行的影响,所以金额为512美元.67在这些人口中平均分配.

以下邮件于6月8日发送给2020年春季学期注册的PBA学生, 2020, 通知学生奖学金金额为512美元.67 and how they were to receive it based on their preferred refund method established in their respective student accounts portal:



您将获得512美元的关怀法案学生补助金.支票或直接存款, 这取决于你向大学提交的首选退款方式. 去 pba.负担得起.com 确认或更改选择.

The money will be distributed directly as soon as 拼搏体育 receives the funds from the federal government.

Palm Beach Atlantic has allocated 100% of the CARES Act Student Grant to all eligible students to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations including food, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 保健和儿童保健. 有关此奖助金的常见问题,包括谁有资格,可在此找到答案 在这里. 如果您有任何问题,请联系学生账户 student_accounts@fushunbaojie.com.

我们期待着在八月见到你- 2020年8月17日开学.


是的,我们在网站的“COVID信息”部分创建了一个页面. 点击这里 去看看.

如果你有问题,请发邮件至 student_accounts@fushunbaojie.com.